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UE3 Home > Unreal Development Kit Gems > Creating a For Loop Kismet node
UE3 Home > Kismet Visual Scripting > Creating a For Loop Kismet node
UE3 Home > Kismet Visual Scripting > Creating a For Loop Kismet node
Creating a For Loop Kismet node
Last tested against UDK Apr, 2011
PC and iOS compatible
class SeqAct_ForLoop extends SequenceAction; // The number to use as the start of the loop var() int Start; // The number to use as the end of the loop var() int End; // How much to increment the for loop by. Always use a positive number var() int Increment; // Include end when iterating var() bool IncludeEnd; // Index output in case it is useful for level designers var int Index; // Internal index var int InternalIndex; // Has the internal index been set before? var bool HasSetInternalIndex; event Activated() { // Check if we have a range to iterate over if (Start == End || Increment <= 0) { return; } if (!HasSetInternalIndex) { InternalIndex = Start; HasSetInternalIndex = true; } if (Start < End) { Index = InternalIndex; if (InternalIndex < End || (IncludeEnd && InternalIndex <= End)) { ActivateOutputLink(0); InternalIndex += Increment; } else { InternalIndex = Start; } } else if (Start > End) { Index = InternalIndex; if (InternalIndex > End || (IncludeEnd && InternalIndex >= End)) { ActivateOutputLink(0); InternalIndex -= Increment; } else { InternalIndex = Start; } } } defaultproperties { Increment=1 InternalIndex=0 bAutoActivateOutputLinks=false HasSetInternalIndex=false ObjName="For Loop" ObjCategory="Misc" InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="In") OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Out") VariableLinks.Empty VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Start",PropertyName=Start) VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="End",PropertyName=End) VariableLinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Increment",bHidden=true,PropertyName=Increment) VariableLinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Index",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=Index) }