
class unreal.SequencerTools(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: BlueprintFunctionLibrary

This is a set of helper functions to access various parts of the Sequencer API via Python. Because Sequencer itself is not suitable for exposing, most functionality gets wrapped by UObjects that have an easier API to work with. This UObject provides access to these wrapper UObjects where needed.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: SequencerScripting

  • Module: SequencerScriptingEditor

  • File: SequencerTools.h

classmethod cancel_movie_render() None

Attempts to cancel an in-progress Render to Movie. Does nothing if there is no render in progress.

classmethod clear_linked_anim_sequences(level_sequence) None
  • Clear all linked anim sequences between this level sequence and any linked anim sequences

InLevelSequence: LevelSequence to clean links for


level_sequence (LevelSequence) –

classmethod create_event(sequence, section, endpoint, payload) MovieSceneEvent

Create an event from a previously created blueprint endpoint and a payload. The resulting event should be added only to a channel of the section that was given as a parameter. InEndpoint.: see: CreateQuickBinding

  • sequence (MovieSceneSequence) – Main level sequence that holds the event track and to which the resulting event should be added.

  • section (MovieSceneEventSectionBase) – Section of the event track of the main sequence.

  • endpoint (SequencerQuickBindingResult) – Previously created endpoint.

  • payload (Array[str]) – Values passed as payload to event, count must match the numbers of payload variable names in


The created movie event.

Return type:


classmethod create_quick_binding(sequence, object, function_name, call_in_editor) SequencerQuickBindingResult

Create a quick binding to an actor’s member method to be used in an event sequence.

  • sequence (MovieSceneSequence) –

  • object (Object) –

  • function_name (str) – Name of the method, as it is displayed in the Blueprint Editor. eg. “Set Actor Scale 3D”

  • call_in_editor (bool) – Should the event be callable in editor.


The created binding.

Return type:


classmethod export_anim_sequence(world, sequence, anim_sequence, export_option, binding, create_link) bool
  • Export Passed in Binding as an Anim Seqquence.

InWorld: World to export * InSequence: Sequence to export * AnimSequence: The AnimSequence to save into. * ExportOption: The export options for the sequence. * InBinding: Binding to export that has a skelmesh component on it * InAnimSequenceFilename: File to create * bCreateLink: If true will create a link between the animation sequence and the level sequence

Return type:


classmethod export_level_sequence_fbx(params) bool
  • Export Passed in Bindings and Master Tracks to FBX


params (SequencerExportFBXParams) –

Return type:


  • Get the links to the anim sequences if they exist on this level sequence

InLevelSequence: LevelSequence to get links from *


level_sequence (LevelSequence) –


Returns the link object if it exists, nullptr if it doesn’t

Return type:


classmethod get_bound_objects(world, sequence, bindings, range) Array[SequencerBoundObjects]
  • Retrieve all objects currently bound to the specified binding identifiers. The sequence will be evaluated in lower bound of the specified range,

  • which allows for retrieving spawnables in that period of time.

Return type:


  • Get the link to the level sequence if it exists on this anim sequence

InAnimSequence: AnimSequence to get links from *


anim_sequence (AnimSequence) –


Returns the link object if it exists, nullptr if it doesn’t

Return type:


classmethod get_object_bindings(world, sequence, object, range) Array[SequencerBoundObjects]
  • Get the object bindings for the requested object. The sequence will be evaluated in lower bound of the specified range,

  • which allows for retrieving spawnables in that period of time.

Return type:


classmethod import_fbx_to_control_rig(world, sequence, actor_with_control_rig_track, selected_control_rig_names, import_fbx_control_rig_settings, import_filename) bool
  • Import FBX onto a control rig with the specified track name

InWorld: World to import to * InSequence: InSequence to import * ActorWithControlRigTrack: ActorWithControlRigTrack The name of the actor with the control rig track we are importing onto * SelectedControlRigNames: List of selected control rig names. Will use them if ImportFBXControlRigSettings->bImportOntoSelectedControls is true * ImportFBXControlRigSettings: Settings to control import. * InImportFileName: Path to fbx file to create

Return type:


classmethod import_level_sequence_fbx(world, sequence, bindings, import_fbx_settings, import_filename) bool
  • Import FBX onto Passed in Bindings

InWorld: World to import to * InSequence: InSequence to import * InBindings: InBindings to import * InImportFBXSettings: Settings to control import. * InImportFileName: Path to fbx file to import from * InPlayer: Player to bind to

Return type:


classmethod is_event_endpoint_valid(endpoint) bool

Check if an endpoint is valid and can be used to create movie scene event.


endpoint (SequencerQuickBindingResult) – Endpoint to check.

Return type:


classmethod is_rendering_movie() bool

Returns if Render to Movie is currently in progress.

Return type:


  • Links a LevelSequence’s SkeletalMesh binding to an existing anim sequence.

InSequence: Sequence to link from * AnimSequence: The AnimSequence to link to. * ExportOption: The export options that should be used when baking the LevelSequence. * InBinding: Binding that has a skelmesh component on it

Return type:


classmethod render_movie(capture_settings, on_finished_callback) bool

Attempts to render a sequence to movie based on the specified settings. This will automatically detect if we’re rendering via a PIE instance or a new process based on the passed in settings. Will return false if the state is not valid (ie: null or missing required parameters, capture in progress, etc.), true otherwise.

Return type:
