
class unreal.DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_RenderSettings(stereo_mode=DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_StereoMode.DEFAULT, buffer_ratio=1.0, replace=[False, None, False, [[0, 0], [0, 0]]], postprocess_blur=[DisplayClusterConfiguration_PostRenderBlur.NONE, 5, 20.0], generate_mips=[False, TextureFilter.TF_TRILINEAR, TextureAddress.TA_CLAMP, TextureAddress.TA_CLAMP, False, 0], overscan=[False, DisplayClusterConfigurationViewportOverscanMode.PERCENT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, True])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Display Cluster Configuration Viewport Render Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: nDisplay

  • Module: DisplayClusterConfiguration

  • File: DisplayClusterConfigurationTypes_Viewport.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • buffer_ratio (float): [Read-Write] Buffer Ratio: Adjust resolution scaling for an individual viewport. Viewport Screen Percentage Multiplier is applied to this value.

  • generate_mips (DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_GenerateMips): [Read-Write] Generate Mips: Generate Mips texture for this viewport (used, only if projection policy supports this feature)

  • overscan (DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_Overscan): [Read-Write] Overscan: Render a larger frame than specified in the configuration to achieve continuity across displays when using post-processing effects.

  • postprocess_blur (DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_BlurPostprocess): [Read-Write] Postprocess Blur: Add postprocess blur to viewport

  • replace (DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_Override): [Read-Write] Replace: Override viewport render from source texture

  • stereo_gpu_index (int32): [Read-Write] Stereo GPUIndex: Specify which GPU should render the second Stereo eye

  • stereo_mode (DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_StereoMode): [Read-Write] Stereo Mode: Enables and sets Stereo mode

property buffer_ratio

[Read-Write] Buffer Ratio: Adjust resolution scaling for an individual viewport. Viewport Screen Percentage Multiplier is applied to this value.



property generate_mips

[Read-Write] Generate Mips: Generate Mips texture for this viewport (used, only if projection policy supports this feature)



property overscan

[Read-Write] Overscan: Render a larger frame than specified in the configuration to achieve continuity across displays when using post-processing effects.



property postprocess_blur

[Read-Write] Postprocess Blur: Add postprocess blur to viewport



property replace

[Read-Write] Replace: Override viewport render from source texture



property stereo_mode

[Read-Write] Stereo Mode: Enables and sets Stereo mode

