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UE3 ホーム > Unreal Development Kit Gems > マウス インターフェースの作成
UE3 ホーム > ユーザーインターフェースと HUD > マウス インターフェースの作成
UE3 ホーム > ユーザーインターフェースと HUD > マウス インターフェースの作成
マウス インターフェースの作成
2011年4月に UDK に即して最終テスト実施済み
PC 対応
独自のマウス位置付けコードを作成することができます。そのためには、変化の有無を調べるために aMouseX と aMouseY に対してポーリングする (問い合わせる) カスタムのプレイヤー入力を追加します。変化が発生すると、 MousePosition 変数に追加され、スクリーン範囲内にマウスカーソルをとどめておくためにクランプされます。 以下が新たな GameInfo です。この単純な GameInfo は、使用する HUD クラスと PlayerController クラスを定義しています。class MouseInterfaceGameInfo extends GameInfo; defaultproperties { // Set the HUD type to the mouse interface HUD HUDType=class'MouseInterfaceHUD' // Set the player controller to the mouse interface Player Controller PlayerControllerClass=class'MouseInterfacePlayerController' }
class MouseInterfaceHUD extends HUD; // The texture which represents the cursor on the screen var const Texture2D CursorTexture; // The color of the cursor var const Color CursorColor; event PostRender() { local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; // Ensure that we have a valid PlayerOwner and CursorTexture if (PlayerOwner != None && CursorTexture != None) { // Cast to get the MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { // Set the canvas position to the mouse position Canvas.SetPos(MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X, MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y); // Set the cursor color Canvas.DrawColor = CursorColor; // Draw the texture on the screen Canvas.DrawTile(CursorTexture, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY, 0.f, 0.f, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY,, true); } } Super.PostRender(); } defaultproperties { CursorColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) CursorTexture=Texture2D'EngineResources.Cursors.Arrow' }
- PostRender が実行されると、PlayerOwner (これは、PlayerController です) から新たな PlayerInput を受け取ります。
- 新たな PlayerInput を受け取ると、Canvas の位置を、新たな PlayerInput 内に保存されている PlayerInput にセットします。
- さらに、カラーを、デフォルトプロパティの中で定義されているカーソルのカラーにセットします。
- 最後に、マウスカーソルを表すテクスチャを描画します。
class MouseInterfacePlayerController extends PlayerController; // Null this function function UpdateRotation(float DeltaTime); defaultproperties { // Set the input class to the mouse interface player input InputClass=class'MouseInterfacePlayerInput' }
class MouseInterfacePlayerInput extends PlayerInput; // Stored mouse position. Set to private write as we don't want other classes to modify it, but still allow other classes to access it. var PrivateWrite IntPoint MousePosition; event PlayerInput(float DeltaTime) { // Handle mouse // Ensure we have a valid HUD if (myHUD != None) { // Add the aMouseX to the mouse position and clamp it within the viewport width MousePosition.X = Clamp(MousePosition.X + aMouseX, 0, myHUD.SizeX); // Add the aMouseY to the mouse position and clamp it within the viewport height MousePosition.Y = Clamp(MousePosition.Y - aMouseY, 0, myHUD.SizeY); } Super.PlayerInput(DeltaTime); } defaultproperties { }
- PlayerInput が実行されると、マウス位置を調整します。
- HUD によって、マウス位置がビューポート内にクランプ (固定) されるようにします。PlayerInput は、PlayerController の中にあるオブジェクトであるため、PlayerController 内にある変数に直接アクセスすることができます。
- 入力 config 内にバインドされている aMouseX と aMouseY を、MousePosition 変数に加えます。垂直方向の計算を反転させることによって、正しい計算結果を得るようにします。
- 計算結果を クランプすることによって、マウス位置が常にビューポート内にとどまるようにします。
ScaleForm を使用することによっても、マウスの位置をポーリングすることができます。本記事では、スクリプトの大部分がほぼ同じままになっています。例外は、(ScaleForm を使用する場合) 上で作成されたカスタムのプレイヤー入力クラスが、マウスの変化をポーリングしなくなったということです。マウスの位置変化を ScaleForm が検知した場合は、その新たなマウスの位置を UnrealScript に渡します。 以下は、Adobe Flash で書かれた ActionScript です。マウスが動くと、ActionScript によって、カーソルというレイヤーの位置が、ScaleForm のマウス位置に設定され、Unrealscript にも ScaleForm のマウス位置が送られます。import flash.external.ExternalInterface; // Hide normal "Windows" pointer. Mouse.hide(); var mouseListener:Object = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() { // Set the cursor instance position to the mouse position. cursor._x = _root._xmouse; cursor._y = _root._ymouse; // Pass Unrealscript the new mouse coordinates ExternalInterface.call("UpdateMousePosition", _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); updateAfterEvent(); }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener);
class MouseInterfaceGFx extends GFxMoviePlayer; var MouseInterfaceHUD MouseInterfaceHUD; function Init(optional LocalPlayer LocalPlayer) { // Initialize the ScaleForm movie Super.Init(LocalPlayer); Start(); Advance(0); } event UpdateMousePosition(float X, float Y) { local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; if (MouseInterfaceHUD != None && MouseInterfaceHUD.PlayerOwner != None) { MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(MouseInterfaceHUD.PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { MouseInterfacePlayerInput.SetMousePosition(X, Y); } } } defaultproperties { bDisplayWithHudOff=false TimingMode=TM_Game MovieInfo=SwfMovie'MouseInterfaceContent.MouseInterfaceCursor' bPauseGameWhileActive=false }
class MouseInterfaceHUD extends HUD; // The texture which represents the cursor on the screen var const Texture2D CursorTexture; // The color of the cursor var const Color CursorColor; // Use ScaleForm? var bool UsingScaleForm; // Scaleform mouse movie var MouseInterfaceGFx MouseInterfaceGFx; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); // If we are using ScaleForm, then create the ScaleForm movie if (UsingScaleForm) { MouseInterfaceGFx = new () class'MouseInterfaceGFx'; if (MouseInterfaceGFx != None) { MouseInterfaceGFx.MouseInterfaceHUD = Self; MouseInterfaceGFx.SetTimingMode(TM_Game); MouseInterfaceGFx.Init(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine().GamePlayers[MouseInterfaceGFx.LocalPlayerOwnerIndex]); } } } simulated event Destroyed() { Super.Destroyed(); // If the ScaleForm movie exists, then destroy it if (MouseInterfaceGFx != None) { MouseInterfaceGFx.Close(true); MouseInterfaceGFx = None; } } function PreCalcValues() { Super.PreCalcValues(); // If the ScaleForm movie exists, then reset it's viewport, scale mode and alignment to match the // screen resolution if (MouseInterfaceGFx != None) { MouseInterfaceGFx.SetViewport(0, 0, SizeX, SizeY); MouseInterfaceGFx.SetViewScaleMode(SM_NoScale); MouseInterfaceGFx.SetAlignment(Align_TopLeft); } } event PostRender() { local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface MouseInteractionInterface; local Vector HitLocation, HitNormal; Super.PostRender(); // Ensure that we aren't using ScaleForm and that we have a valid cursor if (!UsingScaleForm && CursorTexture != None) { // Ensure that we have a valid PlayerOwner if (PlayerOwner != None) { // Cast to get the MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); // If we're not using scale form and we have a valid cursor texture, render it if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { // Set the canvas position to the mouse position Canvas.SetPos(MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X, MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y); // Set the cursor color Canvas.DrawColor = CursorColor; // Draw the texture on the screen Canvas.DrawTile(CursorTexture, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY, 0.f, 0.f, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY,, true); } } } Super.PostRender(); }
class MouseInterfacePlayerInput extends PlayerInput; var PrivateWrite IntPoint MousePosition; event PlayerInput(float DeltaTime) { local MouseInterfaceHUD MouseInterfaceHUD; // Handle mouse movement // Check that we have the appropriate HUD class MouseInterfaceHUD = MouseInterfaceHUD(MyHUD); if (MouseInterfaceHUD != None) { if (!MouseInterfaceHUD.UsingScaleForm) { // If we are not using ScaleForm, then read the mouse input directly // Add the aMouseX to the mouse position and clamp it within the viewport width MousePosition.X = Clamp(MousePosition.X + aMouseX, 0, MouseInterfaceHUD.SizeX); // Add the aMouseY to the mouse position and clamp it within the viewport height MousePosition.Y = Clamp(MousePosition.Y - aMouseY, 0, MouseInterfaceHUD.SizeY); } } Super.PlayerInput(DeltaTime); } function SetMousePosition(int X, int Y) { if (MyHUD != None) { MousePosition.X = Clamp(X, 0, MyHUD.SizeX); MousePosition.Y = Clamp(Y, 0, MyHUD.SizeY); } } defaultproperties { }
マウスの 2D 座標を取得する!
マウスの 2D 座標を取得するには、 MouseInterfacePlayerInput にアクセスするだけです。 HUD 内からマウスの 2D 座標を取得する。local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local IntPoint MousePosition; // Ensure that we have a valid PlayerOwner if (PlayerOwner != None) { // Cast to get the MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { // To retrieve/use the mouse X position MousePosition.X = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X; // To retrieve/use the mouse Y position MousePosition.Y = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y; } }
local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local IntPoint MousePosition; // Cast to get the MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerInput); if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { // To retrieve/use the mouse X position MousePosition.X = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X; // To retrieve/use the mouse Y position MousePosition.Y = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y; }
マウス インタラクション インターフェースを追加する
interface MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface; // Called when the left mouse button is pressed function MouseLeftPressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal); // Called when the left mouse button is released function MouseLeftReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the right mouse button is pressed function MouseRightPressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal); // Called when the right mouse button is released function MouseRightReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the middle mouse button is pressed function MouseMiddlePressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal); // Called when the middle mouse button is released function MouseMiddleReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the middle mouse button is scrolled up function MouseScrollUp(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the middle mouse button is scrolled down function MouseScrollDown(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the mouse is moved over the actor function MouseOver(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Called when the mouse is moved out from the actor (when it was previously over it) function MouseOut(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection); // Returns the hit location of the mouse trace function Vector GetHitLocation(); // Returns the hit normal of the mouse trace function Vector GetHitNormal(); // Returns the mouse world origin calculated by the deprojection within the canvas function Vector GetMouseWorldOrigin(); // Returns the mouse world direction calculated by the deprojection within the canvas function Vector GetMouseWorldDirection();
PlayerController と HUD を使用して、マウス インタラクションを実現する
class MouseInterfacePlayerController extends PlayerController; // Mouse event enum enum EMouseEvent { LeftMouseButton, RightMouseButton, MiddleMouseButton, ScrollWheelUp, ScrollWheelDown, }; // Handle mouse inputs function HandleMouseInput(EMouseEvent MouseEvent, EInputEvent InputEvent) { local MouseInterfaceHUD MouseInterfaceHUD; // Type cast to get our HUD MouseInterfaceHUD = MouseInterfaceHUD(myHUD); if (MouseInterfaceHUD != None) { // Detect what kind of input this is if (InputEvent == IE_Pressed) { // Handle pressed event switch (MouseEvent) { case LeftMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingLeftPressed = true; break; case RightMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingRightPressed = true; break; case MiddleMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingMiddlePressed = true; break; case ScrollWheelUp: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingScrollUp = true; break; case ScrollWheelDown: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingScrollDown = true; break; default: break; } } else if (InputEvent == IE_Released) { // Handle released event switch (MouseEvent) { case LeftMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingLeftReleased = true; break; case RightMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingRightReleased = true; break; case MiddleMouseButton: MouseInterfaceHUD.PendingMiddleReleased = true; break; default: break; } } } } // Hook used for the left and right mouse button when pressed exec function StartFire(optional byte FireModeNum) { HandleMouseInput((FireModeNum == 0) ? LeftMouseButton : RightMouseButton, IE_Pressed); Super.StartFire(FireModeNum); } // Hook used for the left and right mouse button when released exec function StopFire(optional byte FireModeNum) { HandleMouseInput((FireModeNum == 0) ? LeftMouseButton : RightMouseButton, IE_Released); Super.StopFire(FireModeNum); } // Called when the middle mouse button is pressed exec function MiddleMousePressed() { HandleMouseInput(MiddleMouseButton, IE_Pressed); } // Called when the middle mouse button is released exec function MiddleMouseReleased() { HandleMouseInput(MiddleMouseButton, IE_Released); } // Called when the middle mouse wheel is scrolled up exec function MiddleMouseScrollUp() { HandleMouseInput(ScrollWheelUp, IE_Pressed); } // Called when the middle mouse wheel is scrolled down exec function MiddleMouseScrollDown() { HandleMouseInput(ScrollWheelDown, IE_Pressed); } // Null this function function UpdateRotation(float DeltaTime); // Override this state because StartFire isn't called globally when in this function auto state PlayerWaiting { exec function StartFire(optional byte FireModeNum) { Global.StartFire(FireModeNum); } } defaultproperties { // Set the input class to the mouse interface player input InputClass=class'MouseInterfacePlayerInput' Name="Default__MouseInterfaceController" }
- キーバインドを通じて実行関数が呼び出されます。 実行関数のどれが呼び出されても、その実行関数は HandleMouseInput を呼び出し、その HandleMouseInput が、アクションを HUD に引き渡します。
; Remove the previous mouse scroll up and scroll down key binds -Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp",Command="PrevWeapon") -Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="NextWeapon") ; Add the middle mouse button and new scroll wheel key binds .Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton",Command="MiddleMousePressed | OnRelease MiddleMouseReleased") .Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp",Command="GBA_PrevWeapon | MiddleMouseScrollUp") .Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="GBA_NextWeapon | MiddleMouseScrollDown")
class MouseInterfaceHUD extends HUD; // The texture which represents the cursor on the screen var const Texture2D CursorTexture; // The color of the cursor var const Color CursorColor; // Pending left mouse button pressed event var bool PendingLeftPressed; // Pending left mouse button released event var bool PendingLeftReleased; // Pending right mouse button pressed event var bool PendingRightPressed; // Pending right mouse button released event var bool PendingRightReleased; // Pending middle mouse button pressed event var bool PendingMiddlePressed; // Pending middle mouse button released event var bool PendingMiddleReleased; // Pending mouse wheel scroll up event var bool PendingScrollUp; // Pending mouse wheel scroll down event var bool PendingScrollDown; // Cached mouse world origin var Vector CachedMouseWorldOrigin; // Cached mouse world direction var Vector CachedMouseWorldDirection; // Last mouse interaction interface var MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface LastMouseInteractionInterface; event PostRender() { local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface MouseInteractionInterface; local Vector HitLocation, HitNormal; // Ensure that we have a valid PlayerOwner and CursorTexture if (PlayerOwner != None && CursorTexture != None) { // Cast to get the MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput != None) { // Set the canvas position to the mouse position Canvas.SetPos(MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X, MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y); // Set the cursor color Canvas.DrawColor = CursorColor; // Draw the texture on the screen Canvas.DrawTile(CursorTexture, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY, 0.f, 0.f, CursorTexture.SizeX, CursorTexture.SizeY,, true); } } // Get the current mouse interaction interface MouseInteractionInterface = GetMouseActor(HitLocation, HitNormal); // Handle mouse over and mouse out // Did we previously had a mouse interaction interface? if (LastMouseInteractionInterface != None) { // If the last mouse interaction interface differs to the current mouse interaction if (LastMouseInteractionInterface != MouseInteractionInterface) { // Call the mouse out function LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseOut(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); // Assign the new mouse interaction interface LastMouseInteractionInterface = MouseInteractionInterface; // If the last mouse interaction interface is not none if (LastMouseInteractionInterface != None) { // Call the mouse over function LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseOver(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); // Call mouse over } } } else if (MouseInteractionInterface != None) { // Assign the new mouse interaction interface LastMouseInteractionInterface = MouseInteractionInterface; // Call the mouse over function LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseOver(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } if (LastMouseInteractionInterface != None) { // Handle left mouse button if (PendingLeftPressed) { if (PendingLeftReleased) { // This is a left click, so discard PendingLeftPressed = false; PendingLeftReleased = false; } else { // Left is pressed PendingLeftPressed = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseLeftPressed(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection, HitLocation, HitNormal); } } else if (PendingLeftReleased) { // Left is released PendingLeftReleased = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseLeftReleased(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } // Handle right mouse button if (PendingRightPressed) { if (PendingRightReleased) { // This is a right click, so discard PendingRightPressed = false; PendingRightReleased = false; } else { // Right is pressed PendingRightPressed = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseRightPressed(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection, HitLocation, HitNormal); } } else if (PendingRightReleased) { // Right is released PendingRightReleased = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseRightReleased(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } // Handle middle mouse button if (PendingMiddlePressed) { if (PendingMiddleReleased) { // This is a middle click, so discard PendingMiddlePressed = false; PendingMiddleReleased = false; } else { // Middle is pressed PendingMiddlePressed = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseMiddlePressed(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection, HitLocation, HitNormal); } } else if (PendingMiddleReleased) { PendingMiddleReleased = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseMiddleReleased(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } // Handle middle mouse button scroll up if (PendingScrollUp) { PendingScrollUp = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseScrollUp(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } // Handle middle mouse button scroll down if (PendingScrollDown) { PendingScrollDown = false; LastMouseInteractionInterface.MouseScrollDown(CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); } } Super.PostRender(); } function MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface GetMouseActor(optional out Vector HitLocation, optional out Vector HitNormal) { local MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface MouseInteractionInterface; local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local Vector2D MousePosition; local Actor HitActor; // Ensure that we have a valid canvas and player owner if (Canvas == None || PlayerOwner == None) { return None; } // Type cast to get the new player input MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); // Ensure that the player input is valid if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput == None) { return None; } // We stored the mouse position as an IntPoint, but it's needed as a Vector2D MousePosition.X = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X; MousePosition.Y = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y; // Deproject the mouse position and store it in the cached vectors Canvas.DeProject(MousePosition, CachedMouseWorldOrigin, CachedMouseWorldDirection); // Perform a trace actor interator. An interator is used so that we get the top most mouse interaction // interface. This covers cases when other traceable objects (such as static meshes) are above mouse // interaction interfaces. ForEach TraceActors(class'Actor', HitActor, HitLocation, HitNormal, CachedMouseWorldOrigin + CachedMouseWorldDirection * 65536.f, CachedMouseWorldOrigin,,, TRACEFLAG_Bullet) { // Type cast to see if the HitActor implements that mouse interaction interface MouseInteractionInterface = MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface(HitActor); if (MouseInteractionInterface != None) { return MouseInteractionInterface; } } return None; } defaultproperties { CursorColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) CursorTexture=Texture2D'EngineResources.Cursors.Arrow' Name="Default__MouseInterfaceHUD" }
- レンダリングされるフレームごとに、マウスカーソルをレンダリングします。
- ワールド内でトレースを実行することによって、現在のマウス インタラクション インターフェースを取得します。現在のマウス インタラクション インターフェースが前回のインターフェースと異なる場合は、マウスオーバー関数またはマウスアウト関数を適切に呼び出します。
- 有効なマウス インタラクション インターフェースが得られた場合は、引き渡されたマウス入力を HUD が処理します。
- 各マウス入力について、適切なインターフェースの関数を呼び出し、bool 型をリセットします。
マウスの 3D 座標を取得する!
マウスの 2D 座標に基づいてマウスの 3D 座標を取得するには、HUD クラス内でつぎの関数を使用します。Deproject (逆投影) 関数が必要なため、HUD クラスが必要となります。function Vector GetMouseWorldLocation() { local MouseInterfacePlayerInput MouseInterfacePlayerInput; local Vector2D MousePosition; local Vector MouseWorldOrigin, MouseWorldDirection, HitLocation, HitNormal; // Ensure that we have a valid canvas and player owner if (Canvas == None || PlayerOwner == None) { return Vect(0, 0, 0); } // Type cast to get the new player input MouseInterfacePlayerInput = MouseInterfacePlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); // Ensure that the player input is valid if (MouseInterfacePlayerInput == None) { return Vect(0, 0, 0); } // We stored the mouse position as an IntPoint, but it's needed as a Vector2D MousePosition.X = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.X; MousePosition.Y = MouseInterfacePlayerInput.MousePosition.Y; // Deproject the mouse position and store it in the cached vectors Canvas.DeProject(MousePosition, MouseWorldOrigin, MouseWorldDirection); // Perform a trace to get the actual mouse world location. Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, MouseWorldOrigin + MouseWorldDirection * 65536.f, MouseWorldOrigin , true,,, TRACEFLAG_Bullet); return HitLocation; }
Kismet マウス入力イベントを追加する
class SeqEvent_MouseInput extends SequenceEvent; var Vector HitLocation; var Vector HitNormal; var Vector MouseWorldOrigin; var Vector MouseWorldDirection; event Activated() { local MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface MouseInteractionInterface; // Type cast the originator to ensure that it is a mouse interaction interface MouseInteractionInterface = MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface(Originator); if (MouseInteractionInterface != None) { // Get the appropriate values so we can push them out when the event is activated MouseWorldOrigin = MouseInteractionInterface.GetMouseWorldOrigin(); MouseWorldDirection = MouseInteractionInterface.GetMouseWorldDirection(); HitLocation = MouseInteractionInterface.GetHitLocation(); HitNormal = MouseInteractionInterface.GetHitNormal(); } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Mouse Input" ObjCategory="Input" bPlayerOnly=false MaxTriggerCount=0 OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Left Pressed") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Left Released") OutputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Right Pressed") OutputLinks(3)=(LinkDesc="Right Released") OutputLinks(4)=(LinkDesc="Middle Pressed") OutputLinks(5)=(LinkDesc="Middle Released") OutputLinks(6)=(LinkDesc="Scroll Up") OutputLinks(7)=(LinkDesc="Scroll Down") OutputLinks(8)=(LinkDesc="Mouse Over") OutputLinks(9)=(LinkDesc="Mouse Out") VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="HitLocation",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=HitLocation) VariableLinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="HitNormal",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=HitNormal) VariableLinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="MouseWorldOrigin",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=MouseWorldOrigin) VariableLinks(4)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="MouseWorldDirection",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=MouseWorldDirection) Name="Default__SeqEvent_MouseLeftClicked" }
サブクラス化した KActor を例として追加する
class MouseInterfaceKActor extends KActor Implements(MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface); var Vector CachedMouseHitLocation; var Vector CachedMouseHitNormal; var Vector CachedMouseWorldOrigin; var Vector CachedMouseWorldDirection; // === // MouseInterfaceInteractionInterface implementation // === function MouseLeftPressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = HitLocation; CachedMouseHitNormal = HitNormal; TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 0); } function MouseLeftReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 1); } function MouseRightPressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = HitLocation; CachedMouseHitNormal = HitNormal; TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 2); } function MouseRightReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 3); } function MouseMiddlePressed(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = HitLocation; CachedMouseHitNormal = HitNormal; TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 4); } function MouseMiddleReleased(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 5); } function MouseScrollUp(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 6); } function MouseScrollDown(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 7); } function MouseOver(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 8); } function MouseOut(Vector MouseWorldOrigin, Vector MouseWorldDirection) { CachedMouseWorldOrigin = MouseWorldOrigin; CachedMouseWorldDirection = MouseWorldDirection; CachedMouseHitLocation = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); CachedMouseHitNormal = Vect(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MouseInput', Self, 9); } function Vector GetHitLocation() { return CachedMouseHitLocation; } function Vector GetHitNormal() { return CachedMouseHitNormal; } function Vector GetMouseWorldOrigin() { return CachedMouseWorldOrigin; } function Vector GetMouseWorldDirection() { return CachedMouseWorldDirection; } defaultproperties { SupportedEvents(4)=class'SeqEvent_MouseInput' Name="Default__MouseInterfaceKActor" }
- インターフェース実装関数のどれかが HUD を通じて実行された場合、付属している Mouse Input Kismet ノードがトリガーされます。トリガーコールの最後にある番号が、出力インデックスとなります。
Kismet マウス入力イベントを使用する
- 以上のサンプルで使用したコンテンツは、 ここ からダウンロードすることができます。 (MouseInterface.zip)